Nigel Rich, a member of the REO (Royal Enfield Owners) ... Oh my Vroom Gang! informs me of the 'One Ride' that they are going to organise first Sunday of April every year. Its apparently followed by the Bullet Owners across the country, I just learnt that. Good thought! so after the Valentine's day and the Woman's day the Bullet guys shall have a One Ride! That sounds cool....
So find a Valentine on 14th Feb, celebrate the Woman's day on March 8th and then go for One Ride on the first Sunday of April... Doesn't this sound fabulous?... Be warned guys the Ride on the Bullet has to be with the same lady every year! The Bullet is known for its strength(of character), class and attitude. Someone riding that automatically imbibes those characteristics! Much as we loved the Ride that they organised on the Republic day for a cause, 'safety for women'.
I miss this ride as well, Down reporting sick bay! But shall certainly write about it as I know the essence of this ride. I have been told about the concept, the idea and the race itself. So where, what and how of it?
Sunday April 7th, 2013.
7 am to 5 pm
Martins Inn Beach Hotel, Arnala Beach, Virar (West) Mumbai.
What I feel about these Rides, they are not just to pump the adrenalin rush but they make an individual responsible, disciplined, follow brotherhood and take up social causes in a big, organised way! Thumps up to that! We see youngsters misusing the powerful bikes leading to accidents due to rash driving. Palm Beach Road in Navi Mumbai sees such accidents almost everyday. Apart from the Traffic Police, I feel that the Bikers can organise fun camps and invite the young bikers, no matter what bike they ride; especially college students to join them for rides and let them experience the thrill of biking and responsible driving. I can help, preparing the campaign! if need be write your speeches too!!
I have very young bikers.... my sons! and I certainly wish them as well as other young boys and girls to enjoy speed with safety and discipline. Its a habit that can be inculcated in young people.
I have very young bikers.... my sons! and I certainly wish them as well as other young boys and girls to enjoy speed with safety and discipline. Its a habit that can be inculcated in young people.
How responsible are these guys?
I just loved the rules that they follow,
"Its either our way or the highway on your own.... you don't belong to us if you don't follow our rules". High Five for that!
Rules to be followed strictly for the ride :-
"Its either our way or the highway on your own.... you don't belong to us if you don't follow our rules". High Five for that!
Rules to be followed strictly for the ride :-
1. Be on time for the ride.
2. Helmet for the rider and the pillion is compulsory and do carry your riding
gears(if any).
3. Shoes or boots compulsory for the rider.
4. No overtaking amongst each other.
5. No rash riding during the ride.
6. No breaking file, we will ride in a file of 2.
7. No violence during the ride.
8. Always follow the bike which is ahead of you, all the way.
9. Headlights will be full time on.
10. Every rider should carry valid driving license along with all necessary
11. Make sure your royal enfield is well serviced to avoid a break down during
the ride.
violation of the above rules will strictly not be tolerated.
Join the One Ride celebrations across the world. Starting this year the First Sunday of April shall be celebrated as the ONE RIDE DAY or THE Royal Enfield Owner's Day, where we shall encourage all the Royal Enfield owners to take their motorbikes out for a ride.
So, get up and get riding on your Royal Enfield on the 7th April (First Sunday of April) to experience and share your story with us.
So Riders make sure you take your ROYAL ENFIELD out on this day and show off the chrome and the polished tank.
This is a ride for the brotherhood , where the roads come alive with the distinct thump of the Royal Enfield machines.We are looking forward to your support in making this event BIG ONE !!....
Venue : Martins Inn ,Arnala Beach, Arnala, Virar (West)
Route Plan: Bandra - Mira Road -Arnala Beach, Arnala, Virar (West)
Assembly at 7:00 AM at the (MUMBAI ,BANDRA) BRAND STORE : Ride starts at 7:30 AM sharp…
(Riders without shoes and helmet will not be allowed to ride with us)
Details :
Venue - Martins Inn Beach Hotel.Arnala Beach, Arnala, Virar (West)
Registration Charges Rs:- 600/-- Paid by the Riders at the venue.(Martins Inn Beach Hotel.)
Charges include :
· Morning Breakfast :(tea/coffee/snacks)
· Lunch: Veg-Non Veg
· Evening: (tea/coffee).
. One Ride T-Shirt.
For more details please contact on numbers as below:-
This is the day when we ride for nobody/nothing else But only our ENFIELD !
Express your love to your beloved machine by joining us on 7th April as we celebrate ROYAL ENFIELD One Ride Day.
For pictures from the ride: