People make new year resolutions!... I haven't done that ever and neither will make any this year or in future. But this year I feel like putting my thoughts on paper... because it has been an incredible year for me. Please don't think in terms of success, material or otherwise but truly it has been a year of realizations and feeling of gratitude. Just 3 days to bid goodbye to the year 2016, let me recount the best things that happened to me this year.

Who in today's world will say that to one of the employees? It had a profound influence on my mind, heart and I must add even the soul. Her words were one of my biggest rewards. A feeling of gratitude and of being valued so much. No one is indispensable including me, I know that very well. When someone gives you that value, doesn't want to give up on you, believes in you and wants you to do the best that you can. How could you not listen to that person? In fact you must never leave him or her. One, it shows you have earned that. Second, you can achieve anything but it takes so much more to earn someone's trust.
I didn't have the heart or the will to walk away. I decided to stay on, count my blessings as I could start noticing beauty in every little thing that I had taken for granted. My plan B has been pushed a little further as I'll never give up on the person who had that trust in me. Life is a two way cycle and gratitude is just not another word in the dictionary! Its a feeling that's only felt and no words can ever explain it.
Your family is the biggest strength
Your family is the biggest strength that you'll ever have, invest in it. Social media will give you a lot of virtual friends. Most of them will be just your contacts, instead of building a longer lists there invest on the relationships both personal and professional. We have a close family that we love and value but we spend more waking hours at the work place.
Work colleagues too must build and nurture those professional friendship and bonding.Work environment has to be healthy and fun. Collaborations, teamwork and partnerships actually decide the success of an organisation, not the brilliant human resources that can't work as a team. That's why we have started valuing EQ and SQ, not focusing only on the IQ. Healthy work environments create happy professionals, that in turn creates happy results for the organisation. Just imagine, that'll keep everyone coming to office with a smile, where will the Monday morning blues go?
Be ready
We all make great plans and put all our thoughts and actions towards fulfilling them. If that plan doesn't work out for us we are completely shattered. Remember we make plans for ourselves, He makes plans too! Sometimes its good to trust His plans and be ready without much of disappointment and crying over the spilt milk. Instead look for the dairy where you can pick your milk from. Even better, rear that cow! A slight change in attitude can do a lot more to ones confidence. Its only that confidence and self belief that'll create success for you. So be ready for whatever comes your way like a soldier. You are the major of the army called your Life.
Just do it
Life is so unpredictable, last couple of months we have witnessed so much around us. It'll be true to say that nothing comes with a guarantee. Make the most of whatever is close to your heart and NOW is the time! Never miss an opportunity to meet the person who is important in your life, talk to someone special over the phone, express your love, gratitude and even disappointments. Apologize and make it up for the fight that you might have picked up or an argument that might have developed. These things don't need the seal of permanency.
Create a balance
Create that work life balance, that everyone talks about these days. Its your life and you know the best, trial and error method is the only solution. No expert or self help books can ever chart it out for you. You are unique and so is the situation around you. So create the best work life balance that you can. You must feel energized, happy, optimistic and in peace with your surroundings. This is what I feel the balance should create in your life. Finding 'Me' in the middle of things and keeping stress at bay!
Body is your temple

Count your blessings
Be grateful for what you have, the best things in life actually come for free. You must know to recognise them, invite them in your life and ensure that they stay. All good things are to be shared, ensure that you do a good turn each day. No matter what has happened throughout the day, all the mess can be negated by this one good deed and you can sleep peacefully. You must also be the Santa for someone else. There's greater happiness in giving, sharing and bringing a smile on someone else's face!
Love yourself

Celebrate anything that deserves one, big or small doesn't matter. But you having basked in that moment of glory matters indeed. Milestones, benchmarks,successes or lessons learnt, special occasions, friendships, family get togethers; all are reasons enough to celebrate. Celebrate life!.... period!!
Wishing you all, a very happy, healthy, peaceful and incredible New Year 2017!... Shine on!!
PS. Pictures have been taken for representational purpose from google with due credits