Showing posts with label #objectives. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #objectives. Show all posts

Saturday, 8 February 2014

Countdown to Countdown - Day 22

As we step into the 22nd day of countdown, I was thinking to myself Twenty Two Days to go... sounded so far away. But that's how it is. The hope and excitement is in inching closer each day towards our goal. The dream is identified and then Goals are being  set to achieve that 'Dream'.

Today lets revisit the topic of Goals, what are they and how do we go about meeting them. May sound a bit bookish but all Dreams begin with goals and goal setting,  they have to be written down and revisited every now and then.
A goal should not be out of sight otherwise it looses the steam. One simple example that comes to my mind is learning the multiplication tables. Our maths teacher had asked us to have the tables written on a chart paper and put up in our room where we could it often. That's how we learnt our tables and the maths formulae. I think goals are just like that they need to be right in front of us so that they are  positive reinforcements.


We all have experience of setting goals, professional or personal. However it is a fact of life that only a few of us are successful at reaching them. Why does it happen?
Only goal setting is not important, we must also have a plan to achieve them. There is certain risk in setting goals, that the fear of failing. But there's greater danger in not setting them at all. Where do you go when you don't even have a destination in mind? How do we plan to achieve those goals?
Begin with writing down every thing that comes to your mind, lets call them random thoughts, they can be even wild ideas! Think the wildest that you can!! This becomes your bucket list.
From the list that you have made, identify the major goals or objectives and then arrange them into big, long range, daily and specific. Once you do that then commit yourself to reach that each one of them gradually. Setting smaller specific goals are a means to reach that Dream. Dream has to be big, the best you can think of, the best you can be!

The satisfaction of realizing that dream stays for a lifetime. You experience that sense of achievement. All achievers will agree. Each one of us should try to be an achiever in our own right.

Would love to hear your dream stories. A lot of us believe in the magic of that secret. 

Tell us your stories too and will share them with others, you never know when someone gets inspired and your story changes a life.

Follow #DreamLive to witness how dreams become reality. Bharadwaj Dayala will show us how to live our own dreams by realising his dream of riding from Russia to South Africa in just 100 days starting with nothing. He'll then help 12 to 24 passionate bikers to live their dream of riding in a foreign country by getting sponsors for them.

DreamLive: Dare to dream and care to achieve it.