Showing posts with label #social media. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #social media. Show all posts

Thursday, 6 February 2014

Countdown to Countdown - Day 23

I must thank all the people who are joining us in this beautiful, inspirational and a meaningful journey. Yes its going to be a long one but we are going to devour every moment. I can see the readership building and what I deduct from that is everyone now wants to see what unfolds. Hold on, the process kick starts only on the 1st of March, as we start the 100 day campaign. I am your anchor, 'Sutradhar' as it is called in Hindi. I want to get you all ready for the 100 days when our dream takes off. Your interest and later on participation will be the key. Now that doesn't mean that we have no plans, yes plan is there in place and each day we are getting insights of the project. As I have called it my PhD, I am looking at all aspects. The pivot will still be the readers and participants.

I found this quote by Bharadwaj Dayala, profound
A writer is almost like God
He creates his own world and its people
And most importantly
Like God, he loves all his characters,
Good or bad equally.

All of us shall get an opportunity to become that 'writer', Dream Live needs inputs from all. That shall create the food for thought for this project.

The team has already started working on all aspects to keep the stage ready for the big day, March 1st. That's when all the participants and readers will step on that 'stage' and create their own plan that shall slowly but certainly find its way through till all is achieved! In the meanwhile do some introspection and find out what your dreams are. what do you aspire to be?


We have been speaking about dreams. Is there a dearth of them?...Not at all, even common people dream, they dream big and have the capabilities to realise them. Dreams are always positive affirmations of success, and achieving greater heights and purpose. No one dreams to be a failure or become unsuccessful in something. Its not the dream that gives the negatives but the dreamer who probably questions his own capabilities. At times, rather than finding ways to realise the dream we may start compiling a list of things because of which the dream shall never be achieved. Concentrate on the first aspect, believing in your dreams and  everything else will fall in place. Believe in the magic of that dream and stick to it as if your life was dependant on it. And see how it is realised! Staying put and holding on to it! are the key words for today!

Believe me, if you can conceive it, you can achieve it. It only depends on how much you are willing to work for it. Anything is possible. Yes sometimes we are limited by our physical, mental or social conditions but even then each person has a skill in a different field of activity. You need to find what you excel in and then aim for the greatest position in that activity. And when you look around with such higher goals in mind, you will start seeing opportunities opening up to facilitate your dream to come live. It may take some time and a lot of effort. But if you can dream of it you can achieve it.

Break your bonds, cross your boundaries and GO BEYOND.

Would love to hear your dream stories. A lot of us believe in the magic of that secret. 

Tell us your stories too and will share them with others, you never know when someone gets inspired and your story changes a life.

Follow #DreamLive to witness how dreams become reality. Bharadwaj Dayala will show us how to live our own dreams by realising his dream of riding from Russia to South Africa in just 100 days starting with nothing. He'll then help 12 to 24 passionate bikers to live their dream of riding in a foreign country by getting sponsors for them.

DreamLive: Dare to dream and care to achieve it.

Monday, 3 February 2014

Countdown to Countdown - Day 26

DreamLive goes online  and within a few hours we have more than 290 people joining us and the numbers are ticking every minute. More people joining the project will mean more synergy, better networking, feedback and suggestions after all this project will find direction from the interaction of the bikers with the others, the general people. Bharadwaj Dayala wants to take everyone with him on this project, tell people how to dream and turn those dreams into reality within a year. This will build confidence among the people, especially youngsters who'll in turn learn to have dreams, set goals and achieve them, no matter what the dreams are!

I was all charged up with the possibility of the project being a reality in 100 days from 1st March. I spoke about it to my family. The biggest support came from my mother in law. She found it very interesting. To add a fact here, she also loves cricket and gives up on her serials when India is playing. Understands cricket and enjoys the game better than a lot of men. Brother in law also was there and he said, "But who'll be interested, as people have other things to fulfill in life,  as for Dayala, what'll he achieve by going around the world?"
I want to highlight the fact that we must never stereotype anyone. Most unlikely people become the best role models at times.Here are two different view points from two individuals, the first one is from a 60+ homely lady and the second one from an almost 40 year old biker. So dreams are all about not stereotyping anyone, first thing!

I also spoke to a professor who teaches Strategic Management about Dream Live and I told him that I was certainly a very unlikely person to do anything with the project, I wanted to highlight this fact to him. Ofcourse from my heart of hearts, I believe in the success of the project and everything that I expect it to experience during the journey. He said that the most unlikely candidates are the ones who bring about the change, he also added that it'll surprise me and the others who'll join us what we have achieved. That sounded encouraging.

Dreams belong to those who believe in them and want to make them a reality!

Join us on facebook and follow us on Twitter for all the excitement building on to tour the world again on a motor cycle. Here, see the Dream going live and finally becoming a reality.

Follow #DreamLive to witness how dreams become reality. Bharadwaj Dayala will show us how to live our own dream by realising his dream of riding from Russia to South Africa in just 100 days starting with nothing. He'll then help 12 to 24 passionate bikers to live their dream of riding in a foreign country by getting sponsors for them.

DreamLive: Dare to dream and care to achieve it.

Sunday, 2 February 2014

Countdown to Countdown - Day 27

DreamLive goes online. The first step to connect with you all. Hop on and be a part of this roller coaster ride. Its going to be our baby! The blank canvas is set, lets put the colours of our dreams and see it turning into a great painting.... a masterpiece! I am not talking about just the bikers here, They are a part of the project but this is going to be live on the social platform. That would mean there will be a lot of youngsters, women, enthusiasts and people who are not riders per say but feel the excitement of being connected with the project. As everyone has dreams and they wish to fulfill them.

Bikers can follow the project from the technical angle, as from 1st of March it shall go live and the real countdown to the 100 days would begin.  At this point, We have a lot of non bikers joining the project, its basically preparing them for what to expect when Dream Live goes live. So thought of Countdown to Countdown, Not really a meaningful phrase but slowly it'll make sense.

For the youngsters and non bikers

Today, lets just take a pause, do some introspection and see within ourselves. Lets find out what our dreams are? What do we aspire to be? How do we want them to shape up and how are we doing to turn them into a reality. Lets not talk about bikes and rides. Actually Dream Live is not about it. Its about a person's dream and what does he do to realise them also what he doesn't do so that he fails in achieving them. Its the story of you and me.... everyone!

Lets also look at what do the winners to? they don't do different things but they do things differently! Thats the key. Here I am thinking of a book by Shiv Khera, You can Win. The book that I read during my under grad days, yes it did inspire me. An easy to read and a very practical, common sense approach that takes the reader from old world  wisdom to the modern, contemporary thinking. A book that required to be kept by the bedside and read each night before going to sleep.

In my recent vacation in Rajasthan, I came back with feelings of heroism and stories of grit, perseverance and enormous will power. Rana Pratap was one such hero and so was his horse Chetak. Rana Pratap prepared and prepared his army so well that they defeated the mighty Moghuls in the war of Haldi Ghati. Rani Laxmi Bai of Jhansi,  the feisty queen who fought for her motherland. All these people had a dream, a vision and the will to see their motherland free! and they laid their lives for the very same cause. Our history is filled with such heroes.

When we travel to historic places, its not just to see the ruins but we need to feel the heroism and romance the place held. That can only be brought alive by a good Guide. So a good guide who can narrate the drama of the past actually lets you appreciate the true beauty of the monument. Its never just the brick and mortar but people who lived there, make the place worth a visit. Everything revolves around people.

I strongly believe that human mind is a mine of possibilities.If it has originated there, the idea will find expression someday or the other.

On the countdown ,27th day, lets just revisit some places and people from the past and see what they did different that got them to achieve their dreams and their goals.

DreamLive: Dare to dream and care to achieve it.

Join us on facebook and follow us on Twitter for all the excitement building on to tour the world again on a motor cycle. Here, see the Dream going live and finally becoming a reality.

Follow #DreamLive to witness how dreams become reality. Bharadwaj Dayala will show us how to live our own dream by realising his dream of riding from Russia to South Africa in just 100 days starting with nothing. He'll then help 12 to 24 passionate bikers to live their dream of riding in a foreign country by getting sponsors for them.

DreamLive: Dare to dream and care to achieve it.

Pictures are taken from Google.